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The Majestic Kingdom - The Spirit Rain (instrumental)

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This video depicts the strong and mighty Lord of Hosts - Y-hweh Sabbaoth, who sitteth over the flood and enthroned as King forever.   Enjoy!

Verse 1: 榮耀的君王是誰呢? 祂是主耶稣基督!

榮耀的君王是誰呢? 祂是滿有能力的神!

Verse 2: 主耶稣 道成肉身, 來到这世界上.

当洪水 泛滥之时, 祂坐著为王!

諸天藉祂的話而成, 萬象藉祂口中的氣而成.

Chorus: 衆城門 当抬起头来, 從金門 祂要进前來.

我的神, 噢 我的王呀! 祢的国度 是特别的辉煌!


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